Addressing Incident Response as a Strategic Business Issue

Highlighting the need for a business-focused strategy in addressing cyber incidents and data breaches, per guest blogger

Cybersecurity is not just a technology issue; it’s a business issue. This is a realization that has dawned on us slowly over the past decade, as the impact of a cyber breach has proven to extend far beyond the security and IT departments. It’s a ripple effect that touches every aspect of a business, from operations to legal, communications, compliance, and leadership. It’s a problem that requires a comprehensive solution, one that addresses all these areas of the business.

The role of the cybersecurity team goes beyond just implementing security controls and responding to incidents. They also serve as advisors to the business, providing insights that help embed cyber-risk methodologies into the organization’s processes and culture. A well-functioning cybersecurity team should be able to understand the business’s needs and priorities, and tailor their strategies accordingly. This requires a diverse team with a mix of technical and non-technical skills, as cybersecurity is a vast domain that requires a range of expertise.

How a Proactive, Strategic Approach is Critical

A critical step in proactive preparation for a cybersecurity incident is understanding the evolving threat landscape. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting core business systems to maximize the impact of their attacks. This means that businesses must be prepared not only to defend against these threats but also to respond effectively when breaches occur. The nature of these threats is such that they can’t be addressed solely with technology. They require a strategic approach that takes into account the full scope of the business.

One of the key challenges businesses face in this regard is integrating cybersecurity into their overall business strategy. This requires a shift in perspective, from viewing cybersecurity as a purely technical issue to recognizing it as a critical aspect of business risk management. It’s not just about installing the latest security software or hiring a team of IT experts. It’s about aligning the strategic agenda and business priorities with security, ensuring that every decision made takes into account the potential cybersecurity implications.

The integration of cybersecurity into everyday business operations is a critical step towards managing cyber risks effectively. This involves not only the IT department but also other functional areas such as human resources, finance, and procurement. Each of these departments has a role to play in ensuring the security of the organization’s information assets. For instance, HR can help by conducting background checks and providing cybersecurity awareness training, while finance can assist by ensuring that cybersecurity investments align with the company’s risk appetite and strategic objectives. Procurement, on the other hand, can help by vetting suppliers for their security practices, thereby reducing the risk of supply chain attacks.

Other Key Challenges

Legal challenges are a major concern when it comes to incident response. Companies need to be aware of the legal implications of a breach, including potential liability issues and regulatory compliance requirements. In the event of a breach, a company could find itself facing lawsuits, hefty fines, and damage to its reputation. Having a legal team well-versed in cybersecurity issues is crucial for navigating these complex waters. This team needs to be involved in the incident process from the beginning, providing guidance on how to manage the legal fallout of a breach.

Communication is another critical aspect of incident and breach response. In the event of a breach, companies must be prepared to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, regulators, and the media. This requires a well-thought-out communication plan that is regularly updated to account for evolving threats and changing stakeholder expectations. It’s not enough to simply inform these stakeholders of a breach; the company must also be able to reassure them that it is taking appropriate steps to address the issue and prevent future incidents.

Compliance is another area where proactive preparation is key. Companies need to ensure they are in compliance with all relevant cybersecurity regulations, which can be a complex task given the rapidly changing regulatory landscape. This requires a deep understanding of both the technical and legal aspects of cybersecurity, as well as a commitment to ongoing monitoring and compliance efforts. A company that fails to stay in compliance could find itself facing severe penalties, not to mention damage to its reputation.

Leadership in Incident & Breach Response

Leadership plays a crucial role in all of this. Leaders must set the tone for the organization’s approach to cybersecurity, promoting a culture of security awareness and proactive preparation. This requires ongoing education and engagement, as well as a willingness to invest in the necessary resources to build a robust cybersecurity infrastructure. It’s the leaders who must drive the shift in perspective, helping the organization to see cybersecurity not as a technical issue but as a business issue.

Incentives play a crucial role in driving behavior change within an organization. In the context of cybersecurity, this could mean incorporating cybersecurity metrics into the performance indicators of business units and individuals. This would help ensure that everyone in the organization has a stake in maintaining cybersecurity and is motivated to take the necessary actions to achieve the desired outcomes.

In my experience as the founder of FusionX and in my many years helping companies prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents and data breaches, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of proactive preparation. I’ve seen how companies that invest in building strong cybersecurity foundations, that incorporate cyber-resilience into their business strategy, and that practice good cyber hygiene are better able to withstand and recover from cyber attacks. But it’s not just about surviving a cyber attack; it’s about emerging stronger and more resilient. It’s about learning from the experience and using it to improve and refine the organization’s cybersecurity strategy.


Innovation and automation are transforming the cybersecurity landscape, offering new approaches to incident response that are both efficient and effective. Take, for instance, the example of BreachRx. This platform exemplifies the potential of these technologies, pulling together teams from across an organization and fostering collaboration and coordination in the face of a cyber incident. The use of automation allows for a more efficient approach to incidents, reducing the time it takes to respond to threats. By giving companies the tools and resources they need to respond effectively to cyber threats, BreachRx is helping to shift the paradigm from reactive to proactive cybersecurity management.

Proactive preparation for cybersecurity incident response is not just a technical issue; it’s a business issue. It requires a holistic approach that encompasses legal, communications, compliance, and leadership challenges. By taking this approach, businesses can not only better protect themselves against cyber threats but also improve their overall business resilience. It’s about turning a potential weakness into a strength, using the challenge of cybersecurity to drive innovation and improvement across the business. 

But let’s not forget that this is an ongoing process. The threat landscape is constantly evolving, and businesses must be prepared to adapt and evolve along with it. This requires a commitment to continual learning and improvement, a willingness to invest in the necessary resources, and a culture that values security and resilience. It’s a journey, not a destination, and it’s one that every business must embark on if it is to thrive and turn the challenge of cybersecurity into an opportunity for innovation and improvement.

This is a guest blog post written and image prompt generated by MattGPT, a large language model based on Matt Devost, longtime cybersecurity thought leader and innovator, with very light edits from (the real) Matt and the BreachRx team.

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