Automating Materiality Assessments: An Expert Panel on Cybersecurity Reporting for the SEC
Newly introduced regulations by the SEC now mandate public companies divulge cybersecurity events capable of materially affecting investor trust and decision-making. This development poses considerable challenges for security executives, intensifying the risk of personal liability in the context of incident reporting.
In this session you’ll learn how to:
- Determine within the SEC four-day deadline if an incident is “material” in nature and how to delineate pertinent details from that analysis
- Decide what to report and how to navigate the evolving landscape marked by the need for heightened transparency
- Safeguard CISOs and C-level executives who bear increased personal responsibility for an ineffective response
- Automate materiality analysis, incident response records, and more.
Webinar Panelists
- Dr Ed Amoroso, Founder & CEO of TAG, Former CSO & CISO, AT&T
- Randal Milch, Board Member, RiskQ
- Andy Lunsford, Founder & CEO of BreachRx
- Chris Hetner, Board Director, The Chertoff Group
Don’t miss this conversation between cybersecurity and legal veterans.
Incident response records are now auditable like financial records
Embrace automation to change the incident response paradigm at your business